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Autogui: an automatic GUI binding library

Autogui is a library for automatically creating Java/Swing GUI apps from plain-old Java objects. It analyzes class-definitions of given objects through reflection APIs, and composes Swing-based components for each type of property and action defined in the classes.


Apache License v2

Building from source

GitHub Project Page

git clone
cd autogui

The project uses apache-maven and depends on a recent version of Java.

mvn package
  # the command will generate target/autogui-1.6.2.jar

Note that the main part of the project does not depend on any libraries other than JDK classes. So you can manually compile source files placed in src/main/java (also src/main/resources for resources).

Maven Usage

To use the library in your apache-maven project, you can insert the following dependency section into pom.xml.


The library jar is available from Maven Central Repository: org.autogui:autogui.

Maven Central

API documents

Quick tutorial: A tiny example with jshell

The library can be used with jshell that is the official REPL-tool bundled with JDK since Java 9. To use the library, you first need to include the jar file of the library to your class-path. In jshell, you can do that by /env -class-path <path/to/jar>. After launching the tool by the command jshell, you can paste the following code.

$ git clone
$ cd autogui
$ mvn package
$ jshell
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.1
|  For an introduction type: /help intro
class Hello {
   String value;
   void action() {

/env -class-path target/autogui-1.6.2.jar

import org.autogui.swing.*
Hello h = new Hello();

The above code defines the class Hello with an instance field and a method. After that, org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(Object) starts creating a GUI window from the given object and shows the window.

The created window will contain a text field labeled as “Value” and a button on the tool-bar labeled as “Action”. You can fill the text field with the string “hello, world” by typing the keyboard and click the button, then you will see “hello, world” on the console of jshell.


This means that the library creates the text field from the field value. The type of the field String specifies the type of the component as a text field. If you edit the text of the text field on the created window, the library automatically sets the value of the field of the given object h to the text input in the text field. This can be confirmed by jshell> h.value.

Also, the method action is bound to the action of the button on the tool-bar. If you click the button, the method will be invoked with the given object.

Example applications

See src/test/java/autogui/demo.

You can execute the code in the directory, by mvn test-compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass=....


For example:

 mvn test-compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test \
    -Dexec.mainClass=org.autogui.demo.ImageFlipDemo is a bit interesting and useful example:

package org.autogui.demo;

import org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class ImageFlipDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AutoGuiShell.showLive(new ImageFlipDemo());
    BufferedImage image;
    File output = new File("output.png");
    void flipY() {
        int w = image.getWidth();
        int h = image.getHeight();
        BufferedImage newImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, image.getType());
        for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                newImage.setRGB(x, h - y - 1, image.getRGB(x, y));
        image = newImage;
    void save() throws Exception {
        if (output.exists()) {
            System.err.println("File already exists: " + output);
        } else {
            ImageIO.write(image, "png", output);

The program will show a GUI window like the following image:


The displayed window has the following GUI components:


Here is another example for demonstrating table feature of the library.

mvn test-compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test \

The command will show a GUI window like the following image:


You can drag & drop a directory to the Dir field and then listing files in the directory as the Entries table. Note the Rename button actually changes names of the listed files to New Names without any warning.

This is constructed from the following code:

package org.autogui.demo;

import org.autogui.GuiIncluded;
import org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell;

import java.util.*;

@GuiIncluded public class FileRenameDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AutoGuiShell.get().showWindow(new FileRenameDemo());

    File dir;

    @GuiIncluded public File getDir() { return dir; }
    @GuiIncluded public void setDir(File dir) {
        boolean update = 
             dir != null && !Objects.equals(this.dir, dir);
        this.dir = dir;
        if (update && dir.isDirectory()) {
            List<RenameEntry> es = new ArrayList<>();
            int i = 0;
            List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(
            for (File file : files) {
                es.add(new RenameEntry(file, 
                                i, file.getName())));
            entries = es;

    List<RenameEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();

    @GuiIncluded public List<RenameEntry> getEntries() { 
        return entries; 

    @GuiIncluded public static class RenameEntry {
        File file;
        String newName;
        public RenameEntry(File file, String newName) {
            this.file = file;
            this.newName = newName;
        @GuiIncluded public File getFile() {
            return file;
        @GuiIncluded public String getNewName() {
            return newName; 
        @GuiIncluded public void setNewName(String newName) {
            this.newName = newName;

    @GuiIncluded public void rename() {
        for (RenameEntry e : entries) {
            File newFile = new File(
                e.getFile().getParentFile(), e.getNewName());
            if (e.getFile().exists() && !newFile.exists()) {

The table component of collection objects in the library is so powerful to extend the usage of applications.

Strict mode with @GuiIncluded

To create an application that can be executed from the main method, it is reasonable to restrict GUI-aware members in the specified object. @GuiIncluded and AutGuiShell.get().showWindow(o) satisfy the restriction.

The strict mode …

The following Java program is an example application with the strict mode:

  import org.autogui.GuiIncluded;
  import org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell;
  public class Hello {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          AutoGuiShell.get().showWindow(new Hello());
      public String hello;
      public void action() {
      public NonIncludedType label = new NonIncludedType(); 
         //this property will be a label with the text from toString()
      static class NonIncludedType {
          public String toString() { return "non-included"; }

Strict mode

The showWindow instance method of AutGuiShell restricts members to public ones with the annotation org.autogui.GuiIncluded attached. With AutoGuiShell.get().showWindow(o), you will need to attach the annotation to all members (classes, fields, getters, setters and actions) you want to include GUI.

Using from modules

If your code for binding with the library is defined as a member of a module which is introduced since Java 9, you will need to open your code to the library. This is because the library relies on reflection APIs for accessing your code. In a named module, the reflection APIs are restricted to open members.

The module name of the library is org.autogui. You will need to do the following steps in your :

  1. add the open modifier to your module declaration, or exports (or opens) your packages ` to org.autogui;`
  2. requires org.autogui;
open module your.module { //adds the "open" modifier to the your module, or...
    exports your.pack to org.autogui; //exports your package to the library.
                                  //you can also use "opens your.pack to autogui;"
    requires org.autogui;   //allows your code to access the library.
    //Note that org.autogui depends on JDK's java.desktop, java.datatransfer and java.prefs

The earlier versions (-1.1) of the library was an automatic module, which does not contain module-info.class because of supporting Java 8. You can add the jar of the library to both the class-path and the module-path. But, an automatic module cannot be included in jlink’s modules.

The recent versions (1.2-) have the module-info.class and require Java 11 or later. It can still be added to both the class-path and the module-path, and can also be assembled as a custom runtime image generated by jlink. (But the library still relies on reflection APIs, so you should carefully consider when adopting it in your practical products.)

Supported types and components

String text-field

A property of java.lang.String will be bound to a text field.

  class Hello {
      String prop;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

String text-field

File text-field

A property of java.nio.file.Path or will be bound to a text field with an extension for file operations.

  class Hello {
      File prop;  
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

File text-field

Number spinner

A property of a numerical type will be bound to a number spinner. Numerical types includes primitive types (byte, short, int, long, float and double) and sub-types of java.lang.Number including java.math.BigInteger and java.math.BigDecimal

  class Hello {
      int prop;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Number spinner

Boolean check-box

A property of boolean or java.lang.Boolean will be bound to a check-box.

  class Hello {
      boolean prop;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Boolean check-box

Enum pull-down menu

A property of an enum type (a sub-type of java.lang.Enum ) will be bound to a pull-down menu (non editable combo-box). Members of the enum becomes items of the menu.

  enum HelloEnum {
      Hello, World
  class Hello {
      HelloEnum prop = HelloEnum.Hello;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Enum combo-box

Image pane

A property of java.awt.Image or its sub-type will be bound to a pane for image previewing.

  import java.awt.*;
  class Hello {
      Image prop;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Image pane

The pane supports drag & drop and zooming by the mouse wheel. For handling images in code, java.awt.image.BufferedImage and javax.imageio.ImageIO are useful.

  import java.awt.image.*;
  import javax.imageio.*;
  class Hello {
      private File file;
      void setFile(File f) throws Exception {
          file = f;
          if (f != null && f.isFile()) prop =;
      File getFile() { return file; }
      BufferedImage prop;
      int getImageWidth() {
          return prop == null ? 0 : prop.getWidth();
      int getImageHeight() {
          return prop == null ? 0 : prop.getHeight();
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Image dragging

Document editor

A property of java.lang.StringBuilder or javax.swing.text.Document and its sub-type will be bound to a text-edit pane.

  class Hello {
      StringBuilder prop = new StringBuilder();
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Document editor

Change of the property value will cause replacing the document of the editor. So the property needs to hold/return a consistent value for maintaining the editing contents by the user.

Advice about document properties

The text-edit pane will reflect modifications of text contents to the bound property value.

For StringBuilder, it automatically creates a Document wrapping the builder object. The current algorithm for modifications of the document is naive. So it might not be suitable for editing large sized texts.

Note that the documents and text-edit components in Swing seem to have designed as that any changes to the document must be happen within the text-edit component. So, the user code should not modify contents of StringBuilder or Document of the property value.

When the type of the property is javax.swing.text.StyledDocument , its sub-type or StringBuilder, the user can change its (global) style by settings from the context menu.

Document editor with styles

Object pane

A property of a user-defined object class will be bound to a pane composing members of the class.

  class Hello {
      String prop1;
      int prop2;
      E prop3 = new E();
      void action() {
          System.out.printf("Hello: %s %d %s\n", prop1, prop2, prop3);
  class E {
      String prop;
      void actionE() {
          System.out.printf("E: %s\n", prop);
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Object pane

An object class can contains properties of some other object classes which will be bound to sub-panes for the objects.

The members of the object class can include action-methods bound to tool-bar buttons. Names of those methods does not start with get, is or set and does not take any arguments.

Such action-method can read and write properties of the object. If the action-method changed a property of the object, after the execution fo the method the UI automatically specifies changed property and updates the bound UI component.

Property definition

A user-defined object class has properties which are bound as sub-components. A property can be defined as 1) an accessible field definition or 2) a pair of getter and setter methods.

  class Hello {
      String prop1; 
      private String prop2 = "hello";
      String getProp2() { return prop2; } //read-only
      private String prop3;
      String getProp3() { return prop3; }
      void setProp3(String p) {
          prop3 = p;
          System.err.println("updated " + prop3);
      private boolean flag = true;
      boolean isFlag() { return flag; } //is...() for boolean
      void setFlag(boolean b) { flag = b; } 
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())


A getter method is a method whose name starts with get or is for booleans and which does not take any arguments with returning a value of the type of the property.

Since 1.2, the library also supports the T prop() method as a getter like String prop(). This is due to supporting record constructs introduced since Java 14. This rule may unintentionally hide your action method that returns a non-void value and recognize it as a getter. To back the recognition as an action method, you can use the annotation parameter @GuiIncluded(action=true).

A setter method is a method whose name starts with set and which takes only one argument of the type of the property value.

If a property is defined only a getter method, then the property value becomes read-only.

In the setter method, the user code can cause modification of some other properties. The created UI automatically specifies changed properties of the object pane. In order to achieve the UI updating, a getter method will be called abruptly and frequently.

AutoCloseable support

If a user-defined object class implements java.lang.AutoCloseable, then close() of objects of the class will be called at closing of owner window of those objects.

(A returned window by AutoGuiShell.showLive(o) does not automatically call the method by window closing. Use cleanUp() for completely closing the window.)

Action property combination

As a special rule, you can combine an action-button and a text-field in object pane:

Then, the generated text-field for the property will contain the action button for the method.

import java.util.regex.*;
class PatternFind {
    String text;
    String search;
    void searchAction() {
        var m = Pattern.compile(search).matcher(text);
        if (m.find()) {
            System.out.printf("found: %d%n", m.start());
        } else {
            System.out.println("not found");
org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new PatternFind())

Action property combination

Object tabbed-pane

A user-defined object which has only properties of sub user-defined objects without other value properties will be bound to a tabbed-pane. Components of each tab in the tabbed-pane become the pane created from the sub objects.

  class Hello {
      Tab1 tab1 = new Tab1();
      Tab2 tab2 = new Tab2();
  class Tab1 {
      String prop;
  class Tab2 {
      int prop;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Object tabbed-pane

Embedded component

A property of javax.swing.JComponent or its sub-type will be bound to a pane for embedding the property value as sub-component.

  import java.awt.*;
  import javax.swing.*;
  class Hello {
      private JComponent value;
      JComponent getValue() {
          if (value == null) { 
              value = new JPanel() {
                  { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300)); }
                  protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                      g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
                      g.drawString("hello, world", 30, 30);
          return value;
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello());

Embedded component

To create a user-defined UI component, you will need to follow the rule of Swing components that the code for the component must be executed within the event-dispatching thread. And initialization of a field will be executed under a non event-dispatching thread such as the main-thread.

Thus, the user code of the property for an embedded component should be defined as a getter method that caches the returned component as a field. For a property of the embedded component, the library executes the method within the event-dispatching thread. A returned embedded component will be added as a sub-component of the owner object-pane.

Embedding component to your Swing applications

To embed object GUI created by the library into your Swing applications, you can use org.autogui.swing.GuiSwingRootPane.createForObject(o).

Please see src/test/java/org/autogui/demo/

To run the example:

 mvn test-compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test \

Collection table

A property for java.util.Collection<E>, its sub-type or an array type E[] will be bound to a table pane. The column of the table will be created from the type-argument E.

  import java.util.*;
  class Hello {
      List<String> prop = new ArrayList<>();
      void add() {
          prop.add("hello " + prop.size());
          prop = new ArrayList<>(prop); 
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Collection table

In order to update display of the table from an action, it needs to replace instance of the list. prop = new ArrayList<>(prop); is the easiest way for that.

Object rows

If the type-argumentE of Collection<E> is a user-defined object class, then columns of the table are created from properties of the class.

   import java.util.*;
   class Hello {
       List<Item> prop = new ArrayList<>();
       void add() {
           prop.add(new Item("hello " + prop.size(), (int) (Math.random() * 100)));
           prop = new ArrayList<>(prop);
   class Item {
       String name;
       int num;
       Item(String n, int i) { = n; this.num = i; }
   org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Collection table with property columns

Actions for selected rows of Collection table

If a method of the property-owner takes the element-type E of
java.util.List<E>, then the table has a button of a tool-bar for the method. The button executes the method with a list containing objects of selected rows in the table.

If the element object in the collection has an action-method, then the table has a button of a tool-bar for the method. The button executes the method for each objects of selected rows in the table.

   import java.util.*;
   class Hello {
       List<Item> prop = new ArrayList<>();
       void add() {
           prop.add(new Item("hello " + prop.size(), (int) (Math.random() * 100)));
           prop = new ArrayList<>(prop);
       void remove(List<Item> selectedItems) {
           prop = new ArrayList<>(prop);
   class Item {
       String name;
       int num;
       Item(String n, int i) { = n; this.num = i; }
       void update() { ++num; }
   org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Collection table with actions

Managing table item selection

The created table for lists has ability to control selection of item cells.

There are two types of bindings:

import java.util.*;
import org.autogui.*;
class Hello {
    List<Item> prop = new ArrayList<>();
    void add() {
        prop.add(new Item("Hello " + prop.size()));
        prop = new ArrayList<>(prop);
    List<Item> selectTop() {
        return Arrays.asList(prop.get(0));
    void selected(List<Item> items) {
        System.out.println("selected: " + items);
class Item {
    String name;
    Item(String n) { = n; }
    public String toString() { return "Item(" + + ")"; }
org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Collection table with selection actions

In the above example, List<Item> selectTop() has @GuiListSelectionUpdater. The method becomes the action button “Select Top” and it causes changing the selection in the table of prop as selecting the top item in the list, which is returned by the method.

And, void selected(List<Item> items) has @GuiListSelectionCallback and takes a list of items. The method also becomes the action button “*Selected”, but the action of the button is automatically executed by a selection change of the table of prop.

The target table of those special methods are specified by the item type, i.e. the type argument E of List<E> . If two or more tables has the same item type of those methods, then all of the tables are affected by the methods.

As another special feature, both annotation types have the boolean argument index. The default value of the flag is false, and if it is specified as true, then the return or argument type of the target methods becomes List<Integer> and it means the index numbers of rows instead of the item type E. Moreover, List<int[]> means list of {row,column}.

Changing cell sizes

The created table has ability to change column and row sizes via the pop-up menu of the table-header.

Naming rule and @GuiIncluded(name=…)

Display-names of properties, actions and type-names are generated from their identifiers with following camelCase.

  class Hello {
      String helloWorld; //=> "Hello World"
      String helloWORLD; //=> "Hello WORLD"

The name can be customized by the annotation @GuiIncluded(name=...).

  class Hello {
      @GuiIncluded(name="class") String klass;

Layout order by @GuiIncluded(index=…)

Order of layout of components can be controlled by the annotation @GuiIncluded(index=...). The default order is determined by names of the properties.

  import org.autogui.GuiIncluded;
  class Hello {
      @GuiIncluded(index=3) String prop1;
      @GuiIncluded(index=2) String prop2;
      private String prop3;
      @GuiIncluded(index=1) String getProp3() { return prop3; } 
      void setProp3(String p) { prop3 = p; }
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

Order of members

For a pair of getter and setter, one of annotations attached to the members is adopted.

Component description by @GuiIncluded(description=…)

To display a tool-tip message for a member, you can use @GuiIncluded(description=...).

   import org.autogui.GuiIncluded;
   class Hello {
       @GuiIncluded(description="component description") String prop;

Property description

Key binding by @GuiIncluded(keyStroke=…)

The library automatically sets shortcut keys for members based on their names. @GuiIncluded(keyStroke=...) can control binding keys.

   import org.autogui.GuiIncluded;
   class Hello {
       @GuiIncluded(keyStroke="L") String prop; 
       @GuiIncluded(keyStroke="T") void action() {
           System.out.println("action " + prop);
       //automatically bound by the method name "action2", like Shift+Cmd+A
       void action2() { 
   org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())


For actions, shortcut keys cause execution of the target action. For properties, shortcut keys cause UI to focus on the target component. Also, Control + Enter will display the context menu for the focusing component.

Active Updating of UI Elements

As default, a GUI component generated by the library automatically updates its display, i.e. it notices changes that requires redisplaying by accessing their properties after some actions happened.

The feature of @GuiNotifierSetter enables you to explicitly update a specified GUI element by calling given a Runnable object. The annotation can be attached to a setter method taking a Runnable argument. In your code, you can call the run() method of the given Runnable object in order to cause redisplaying of the target GUI element on demand. The target GUI element can be specified by the signature set<YourPropertyName>Notifier(Runnable r) or by using the annotation parameter @GuiNotifierSetter(target="yourPropertyName").

import java.util.concurrent.*;
import org.autogui.*;
import java.time.*;

class Hello implements AutoCloseable {
   private ScheduledExecutorService service;
   private ScheduledFuture<?> task;
   String prop;
   private Runnable updater;
   void setPropUpdater(Runnable r) { updater = r; }
   Hello() {
      service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
      task = service.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::update, 0, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
   private void update() {
      prop =;
      if (updater != null) {
   public void close() {
org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

The above example will show a text field that periodically updates its text as the current time every 3 seconds.

The updating is done by the update() method; it rewrites prop with the time string ( ) and notifies the change of the field to the text field by explicitly calling Runnable#run() to the updater set by setPropUpdater(Runnable). The setter name specifies the prop field as the target of the updater by following the naming rule set<YourPropertyName>Updater.

The constructor of the class the update() method will be scheduled by ScheduledExecutorService#scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::update, ...) method as a ScheduledFuture task.

Preferences management

The created window has ability to save and reuse a set of property-values of Its binding sub-components. This feature relies on java.util.prefs.

   class Hello {
       String prop;
   org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())



Additionally, GuiPreferencesLoader enables you to set properties saved by the feature to an object as non-GUI code.

   var h = new Hello();

   h.prop //=> "Hello" 

Custom preferences for embedded components

Your custom embedded components can easily interact with preferences mechanism of the library.

To support the feature, a return-type of the property method must be your custom component-type that implements the GuiPreferences.PreferencesJsonSupport interface. The interface has 2 methods for generating and setting preferences-data as JSON objects.

import org.autogui.base.mapping.GuiPreferences;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

class Hello { //object-pane type
    MyPane pane;
    MyPane getPane() { //embedded component returning a custom type
        if (pane == null) pane = new MyPane();
        return pane;

class MyPane extends JPanel
     implements GuiPreferences.PreferencesJsonSupport {
    JTextField data = new JTextField(20);
    MyPane() { 
    public Map<String,Object> getPrefsJson() { //data for writing to prefs-store
        System.err.println("save " + data.getText());
        return Map.of("myItem", data.getText());
    public void setPrefsJson(Object v) { //set data from prefs-store
        if (v instanceof Map<?,?>) {
            data.setText(((Map<String,String>) v).getOrDefault("myItem", ""));
org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())

The returned object of getPrefsJson() must be one of simple JSON supported types (Map, List, String, Number, Boolean) and sufficiently small for storing preferences-store.


The created window has a status-bar and a list of displaying logging entries. An logging entry can be one of the following types:

Logging string messages

The created window will replace System.err and System.out with redirecting its outputs to a status-view and a list-window on the created window.

Note: the replacing feature can be controlled by system-properties read in GuiSwingLogManager#setupConsoleWithDefaultFlags(). You can dismiss the replacement by -Dautogui.log.replaceErr=false -Dautogui.log.replaceOut=false.

Also, the user-code can directly show messages via GuiLogManager.

     import org.autogui.base.log.*;
     class Hello {
         void action() {
             GuiLogManager.get().logString("string message");
             GuiLogManager.get().log("composed message ", 1);
             GuiLogManager.get().logFormat("format message %d", 2);
     org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello());

String message

Logging progress

GuiLogEntryProgress created by GuiLogManager can show and control a progress-bar. The factory method logProgress(n) creates an instance of the entry with the max count n. It can update the current count by addValue(i) or addValueP(p) with taking 0…1.0. The progress-bar can also show a message by setMessage(s).

     import org.autogui.base.log.*;
     class Hello {
         void action()  {
             new Thread(this::m).start();
         private void m() {
             try (GuiLogEntryProgress p = GuiLogManager.get().logProgress(100)) {
                 for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
                     p.setMessage("next " + i).addValue(1);
             } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
     org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello());


The button attached to the right side of the progress-bar causes an interruption of Thread of calling logProgress().
The interruption causes an InterruptedException while thread-blocking caused by some APIs such as Thread.sleep(n). For running code without blocking, you will need to insert Thread.interrupted() in order to explicitly check the interruption.

Logging exceptions

The created window sets an uncaught exception-handler for displaying the exception in the logging list. Also GuiLogManager.get().logError(e) can explicitly display the given exception. The displayed exception becomes an item in the logging list with expandable stack-traces.

   import org.autogui.base.log.*;
   class Hello {
       void action() {
           GuiLogManager.get().logError(new RuntimeException("error1"));
           throw new RuntimeException("error2");
   org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello());


Long running action and progress-bars

A long running action will be an independent task with displaying an indeterminate progress-bar. The stop button can cause an interruption resulting in InterruptedException or Thread.interrupted().

  class Hello {
      void action() throws Exception {
          for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
              if (i % 10 == 0) System.err.println(i);
  org.autogui.swing.AutoGuiShell.showLive(new Hello())


Dark-mode support

The current Swing GUI (in Java18) does not have automatic support of recent OS’s dark-mode switching.

However, there are some custom look-and-feel libraries for supporting dark-mode such as darklaf and flatlaf.

The library implicitly has code for detecting existence of flatlaf and applying its LAF at launching with following OS’s current theme. The detection is simply done by accessing to the reflection Class object through Class.forName.

For example in macOS, you can launch the library’s app with the combination of flatlaf (confirmed by com.formdev:flatlaf:2.1) and the JVM option -Dapple.awt.application.appearance=system, it will get best experience as modern GUI including displaying Emoji and the dark-mode title-bar.


You can also control the LAF setting by the JVM option -Dautogui.laf=.... The value are listed in the document of UIManagerUtil.selectLookAndFeelFromSpecialName(String).