Module org.autogui

Class GuiPreferences

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class GuiPreferences extends Object
the Preferences holder associated to a GuiMappingContext. Each child is also held by GuiMappingContext. The class has a GuiPreferences.GuiValueStore. It also has a list of history values.
        pack/Type/  //root-context, in a case of GuiReprObjectPane(pack.Type)
                    //otherwise, "org/autogui/base/mapping/pack_Type"
               propName = value... //regular preferences entries
               "$value" = ... //current value, which will precede to history values
                  "0"/    //key-index
                     "index" = ...
                     "value" = ...
                     "time"  = ... //Instant.toString()
               propertyName/   //the name of a sub-context
            "$launchPrefs" = "..." //value of "$uuid", "" or "empty"
                 "$name" = ...
                 "$uuid" = "..." //a value from UUID.randomUUID()
                 ... //same structure as "$default"